Monthly Archives: October 2010

Back to our roots

Many moons ago, Gemma and i undoubtedly committed a multitude of style sins during our 2-year experiment on Dad’s old farmhouse during our last years at school. Take, for example, the lime green conservatory. Or the ‘Mexican’ theme sitting room – orange brush-effect walls, red velvet curtains adorned with multi-colour beads , blue window and door trims, gold stars suspended from the ceiling, a £10 salvaged red velvet sofa. Hopefully, our tastes have softened somewhat since then, but those were the days that nurtured and shaped our creative longings. Perhaps as a form of penance for our unfettered interior experimentation, we started the big clear out of Tullyroan House last weekend, making room for a new era in its long Dalzell history.

Work began under rather sodden conditions, but relics of salvage sister history soon made for cheering moments. This table was my first furniture project at age 13. The driftwood piece posed as a light for many happy years on the psychedelic wall.

This vintage bistro chair was restored from the brink with copper paint and a blue paint wash.

With creative confidence setting in at 17, i revived this dresser from its previous life as a paint-pot graveyard, making the doors and adding a chicken wire/material frontage. The paint stains were covered up using white paint and a wood-effect tool. I think i was aiming for a bleached wood look.

But no time for nostalgic loitering, the salvage sisters turn to seeking out opportunities anew amidst their car-crash teen craft projects. Enter the complementary skills of the self-proclaimed Burn Brother Ryan! Unfortunately, some things just can’t or won’t be reincarnated… These sofas have seen many a party, but their final destination in the great Tullyroan Sofa Heaven has come, via the pearly gates of the holy bonfire.

Good job we had plenty of help from the next generation in making all these tough decisions, and a steady hand to stay the course on the way up to the bonfire pile.

And for another day, when sources of plant pots, wobbly stools and rusty lamp stands have run dry, we can always return to this pile of salvaged goods and start all over again!


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‘This season’s look’ had me Salvagating..

I note with glee that this season’s look, just happens to be any vintage hunting sistas dream.. cable knits, camel colours, brogues, simple lines. Such classic pieces are fabulously collectible from vintage designer labels, to the dark corners of your own wardrobe, to your granny’s or even your Dad’s best winter warmers, to charity shops. Best of all the timelessness, for example, of a camel coat, make for that chance to splurge on the next generations vintage collection!





Prada @ London fashion week






knee high socks


I’m no model, but after an indulgent and rare trawl through some of Autumn’s fashion mag issues I was putting it together with some recent finds this week.. does it work?  Be honest, I love a laugh especially at myself!! The natural cardi is from a charity shop, the vintage shirt is from Raspberry Beret on Bloomfield avenue, and the orange frill cardi is from the ‘Fashion Souk’ ..dont miss it this Sunday at the Ulster Hall!


Filed under clothes, fashion

Stitch ‘n’ Bitch

This week we hosted our 2nd stitch night, following on from the positive feedback from our fledgling venture a few months back. The idea stemmed from our desire to see skill-rich and time-short people find some space to be creative, and share ideas and inspiration. In the process, we drink tea, eat cake, and chat. I am pleased to say the latter often flows into swapping tips, knowledge and local resources.  Top purse-maker lora-twinkle was spreading the word about her stall at the up-coming Morningside Makers Market this weekend.

A few snaps of our make-do-and-mend heaven….

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